I'm not sure I understand how blogs are supposed to help build relationships if you can't respond to people's comments. Maybe its a Blogger problem, but I'm telling you it is really annoying.
I've read the help forums, but they just say to go and put a comment on the other person's blog. Sure, I'd be happy to -- but what if they don't post all that often? (Yes, Jen, I'm looking at you.)
I don't want to be rude, but how can I get in contact with people who don't even have a blog?
Okay -- I think I need a yarn break... how about some more stash shots??? Here's some stuff I have no idea what to do with...

237 yards Spirit Trail Fiberworks BFL

440 yds UKI Bamboodle -- I don't even know how to figure out the weight LOL
sorry doood. This is just a hard time for me to update daily. I'm sure this fall things will settle down a bit and i will be able to. But here you go for future reference my email is
your interface must not have a thing where comments are emailed to you in a way you can respond. i can see the frustration in that.
wow that cone of blue stuff would make some pretty lace thing. If you ever were the type to attempt lace. :D
For the blue yarn, would you want to do something like an envelope-shaped evening purse? You could swatch a bit to find the right needles and it would be easy to knit up without a pattern. I bet that yarn would really sparkle in something textured like double moss stitch.
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