So, I finished a bunch of stuff. Great.
I've got a bunch of stuff still in progress. The progress only tells part of the story...there's more. (Sorry -- the links are to Ravelry.)
So, what do I do? I sign-up for not one, not two, but THREE mystery shawl/stole projects.
First, the Mystery Shawl -- they're already on clue 2 and I just got my yarn. But isn't it beautiful?

Next, the Secret of the Stole -- At least I have the yarn, but I haven't done the swatch yet. I'm only a little behind.
And finally, the Halloween Mystery Shawl -- at least this one hasn't started yet. I'm waiting for the yarn I ordered from ColorfulSheep on etsy. Its called Blood Roses. Sounds great for a Halloween-themed knit, doesn't it?
And as if that wasn't enough, I also joined the Second Wave Clapotis KAL. My yarn is wound, I've found all my stitch markers and my needles are ready. But I haven't even cast on yet. Sigh.

I did manage to get the Rose Garden Shawl (Ravelry) finished. Its waiting to be blocked.

There's also the Jute Rope Scarf on my needles too...

What am I thinking?
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